Our SAI OLD AGE HOME TRUST was started on 20 Feb, 2015. The home was started in memory of a woman by name Kokila who departed from the world after undergoing a series of ailments. Out of concern for the welfare of other such unfortunate old people in the world the home was started by her children and is being run with great financial difficulty.
The management at SAI OLD AGE HOME TRUST wants to provide at least minimum facilities for the inmates. But they have to struggle hard even to provide these minimum facilities. “No one came forward to help us when we started the home”, say the trustees.
We started the home using the money we got from selling our own property for a meager amount of 4 lakh rupees. We started the Home in the name of the godly sage Saibaba and do this service with the intention of taking care of the old people who seek asylum at our home after abandoned by their family people. The needs are more ‘ but always there is paucity of funds.